Welcome to Room 2
School Publications & Policies
St. Louise Primary School Welcome from the Head Teacher
Curriculum News
Hello from Miss Stirling, Mrs Coppolla and Primary 2

Please see our termly newsletter below

In Primary 2 our learning will include




Maths and Numeracy              

  • Read, writes, orders and recites numbers to 20 starting from any odd or even number in the sequence.
  • Counts forwards and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s
  • Estimating numbers in to 20
At home you could
  • Count in multiples as you walk up steps
  • Estimate how many items of food you have on your plate (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Check it! Count to see if your estimation is correct.
  • Tell your grow up what makes a number even and what makes it odd. What do all odd numbers end in? What do all even numbers end in?


  • Reading with fluency and ask questions about the text
  • Using known sounds and common words in their writing
  • Recognising the difference between fact and opinion
At home you could
  • Encourage them to find sounds and common words in storybooks
  • Ask questions about a story and have your child find the answer
  • Discuss one fact and one opinion from a book and what the different between them is.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Nature- Learning about living things, my uniqueness in the world around me and my contribution to society.
  • PE- Skipping
At home you could
  • Participate in a nature walk by showing confidence and doing my part to protect nature and living things.

Religious Education

  • Learning about My uniqueness and God given gifts and talents.
At home you could
  • Talk about different ways you can use your gifts and talents to help others.
  • Keep developing your gifts and talents both at home and in school

Across The Curriculum

  • Exploring a timeline of events about space stations and significant events in space history.
  • Investigating plants in the solar system and the different aspects of each planet.
  • Planning and building our own rocket ships to discuss what is needed for a trip to space.
At home you could
  • Watch videos/programmes about space and create a piece of artwork about space.


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St. Louise Primary School
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