Parent Information
South Lanarkshire Council recognises the importance of parents as partners in the education of their child and has published a strategy entitled, ‘Making a difference – working together to support children’s learning’. This is available from the Council’s website:
Parents, carers and family members are by far the most important influences on children’s lives. Children between the ages of 5 and 16 spend only 15% of their time in school! Research shows that when parents are involved in their child’s learning, children do better at school and throughout life. Parental involvement can take different forms but we hope you share the same aims and agree that by working together we can be partners in supporting children’s learning.
As parents/carers we want you to be:
All parents of children at school are automatically members of the Parent Forum and are entitled to have a say in what happens at the school.
Parent and Staff Group (PSG)
St Louise Primary has a Parent and Staff Group (PSG) who work hard to raise funds for all the pupils in the school. The group welcomes any support, so if you would like to join the group or you can help out at any of the fundraising events, please contact them on:
Email -
Facebook - St Louise Parent Staff Group
The office-bearers for 2023-24 are: -
Chair: Mrs G Bonner
Secretary: Mrs L Gardner
Treasurer: Mrs E Gill
Church Representative: Mrs M Harris
At St Louise Primary School we welcome any thoughts or ideas from our community. If you would like to share any thoughts and ideas with us please send these in to the school by email or letter.